Recent Exterior House Painted in GlenviewExterior House Painting in Wilmette

Location: Wilmette, IL 60091

Service Type:  Exterior Windows, Trim and Railing Painting

This recent exterior house painting project included power washing of exterior wood window and door trims and pressure washing of concrete hand rails and painting of these concrete hand rails.  In reviewing the pre-existing conditions of the concrete hand rails you will see that they were stained green from mildew of trees. We cleaned them and prepared them for painting.



Why choose us as your local painting contractor?

We’re a licensed and insured painting contractor for your peace of mind, and we’re dedicated to providing our customers with a hassle-free experience.

 Free Estimates     Quality Workmanship       ☑ Free Color Consultation

☑ Family-Owned & Operated     ☑ Licensed, Bonded & Insured     Hassle-Free Experience

VAN LOCAL PAINTER Escobar Painting