Siding, Trim, Facia Repairs and Painting in Zion Lake Country IL 60099Exterior Siding, Trim Repairs and Exterior Painting in Zion

Location: Zion, IL 60099

Service Type:  Exterior Siding, Trim and Facia Repairs, House Painting

This project is a perfect example of how a little bit of exterior repairs and paint can change the look of home completely.  Before Escobar this home was drab and worn down. After Escobar Painting performed our repairs and painted, the place looked like a brand new home!

This client needed some serious siding, trim and facia repairs done to their new investment property in Lake County, IL before they could even consider painting the home. So we removed all the rotten and damaged old wood siding and replaced it with new wood. We also replace all the window and door trims, as the homeowner also recently had all the doors replaced.  View the gallery of images provided below which document this siding, trim and facia replacement and painting project in Zion, IL from beginning to end.

If you are seeking a local painter to assist you in repairing and replacing old damaged siding before painting your house in, or near Zion, IL 60099 be sure to get a quote from Escobar Painting!  Contact us today, we are standing by ready to deliver the best painting services in Lake County, IL.


Why choose us as your local painting contractor?

We’re a licensed and insured painting contractor for your peace of mind, and we’re dedicated to providing our customers with a hassle-free experience.

 Free Estimates     Quality Workmanship       ☑ Free Color Consultation

☑ Family-Owned & Operated     ☑ Licensed, Bonded & Insured     Hassle-Free Experience

VAN LOCAL PAINTER Escobar Painting